Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Attending A Local Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Essay
Taylor O’Sullivan SDS3481: 12 Step Meeting Paper November 16th, 2016 Attending a local Alcoholics Anonymous meeting was a humbling and informative experience. To be completely honest, I had no idea what to expect going into the meeting. Right before I walked in, I felt somewhat uncomfortable and embarrassed. I felt as if I was intruding on someone’s personal life with my presence, even though I knew I was welcomed since the meeting was listed as â€Å"open†. Alcohol abuse is a very sensitive topic to me, as someone quite close to me is an alcoholic: my Uncle. I know that he is a recovering alcoholic, but I never quite know what is going on with him because I don’t ask questions and he never shares what he is feeling with me. When I was younger, I remember that he was always the life of my family parties, but I know now it was because he was drunk. When I see him now, he isn’t as energetic as he used to be and often avoids situations where alcohol is involved. Although my Uncle did not personally tell me, my father has share d with me that he attends AA meetings at a church in my hometown. I never understood what AA meetings really entail and didn’t grasp how they helped alcoholics recover. Attending this local AA meeting helped shed light on what my Uncle feels, and I am more understanding to his addiction. I am thankful for this assignment because I know that my Uncle is not alone; the AA community is so supportive and the members all have the best intentions of gettingShow MoreRelatedA Study On The Psychosocial Functioning Of Married Adults2800 Words  | 12 PagesA study on the Psychosocial functioning of married adults in one year sobriety attending Alcoholic Anonymous meeting in Chennai Background Alcoholism has a wide range of consequences encompassing the individual, family, community and society at large. Statistics show that 21% of Indian adult men and 2% of Indian women consume alcohol. 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I couldn’t understand why people look forward to these meeting when they can simply talk to someone at home. Nevertheless, I was wrong. Hearing these people story who suffer from alcohol addiction was very heart breaking. I remember one st ory about this man losing his son to car accident. The only way he dealt with the pain of losing his sonRead MoreMy Life Change : John D.867 Words  | 4 Pagesthat he started using cocaine after his divorce from his wife of twenty years and shortly after that his mother died. John stated he felt as if his life had fallen a part. John reports having knowledge of a twelve step program and has attended Alcoholics Anonymous off on when was sober. After John and complete his comprehensive assessment we develop a master treatment plan. John said he want to work on substance use, relapse prevention, grief and loss and employment. John agreed to attend individual
Monday, December 23, 2019
C. Vann Woodwards The Strange Career of Jim Crow Essay
C. Vann Woodwards The Strange Career of Jim Crow In the field of history, it is rare that an author actually comes to shape the events discussed in their writing. However, this was the case for C. Vann Woodward and his book, The Strange Career of Jim Crow. First published in 1955, it discusses this history of race relations in America, more specifically the Jim Crow laws he equates with the segregation of races. Woodward argues that segregation itself was a fairly new development within the South, and did not begin until after Reconstruction ended. He further argues that since the South has seen so much change, citing the Civil War, Reconstruction, and the development of the Jim Crow laws, it is possible for more changes to†¦show more content†¦There was, in fact, a great deal of contact between whites and blacks in the slave South. Instead, he argues, the Jim Crow system of â€Å"white supremacy, Negro subordination, and racial segregation†originated in the North, and emancipation led to increased separation of the races. The established system of segregation in the North moved to the South during and after Reconstruction. However, Reconstruction was, he argues, a unique period in history during which each race was figuring out its place in the new social system, and can therefore not be related to either the era of slavery or of Jim Crow. Instead, during Reconstruction, there were alternatives which Woodward argues are often forgotten. Before their attitudes became degrading, whites were more paternalistic towards blacks. He ensures that he is by no means arguing that this was a â€Å"golden age of race relations†, however, he does argue that â€Å"the era of stiff conformity and fanatical rigidity that was to come had not yet closed in and shut off all contact between the races†¦[and] there were still real choices to be made.†Though it is easy to assume that the transition to the extremely racist era of Jim Crow was due to a conversion of opinion, Woodward argues that it was instead due to a decrease in opposition. He states that â€Å"Just as the Negro gained his emancipation and new rights through a falling out between white men, he now stood to lose his rights through the reconciliation of whiteShow MoreRelatedEssay on C. Vann Woodwards The Strange Career Of Jim Crow1497 Words  | 6 PagesC. Vann Woodwards The Strange Career Of Jim Crow C. Vann Woodward illuminates one of the â€Å"ugliest†aspects of American societal history in his book The Strange Career of Jim Crow. His book is an overview of the development of the Jim Crow system, a set of racist laws put in place around the turn of the nineteenth century. Interestingly his book tracks the evolution of racism throughout American history. He not only shows where and when racism is developing but the different ways that the racismRead MoreEssay on The Strange Career of Jim Crow1336 Words  | 6 PagesThe Strange Career of Jim Crow C. Vann Woodward’s book, The Strange Career of Jim Crow, has been hailed as a book which shaped our views of the history of the Civil Rights Movement and of the American South. Martin Luther King, Jr. described the book as â€Å"the historical Bible of the civil rights movement.†The argument presented in The Strange Career of Jim Crow is that the Jim Crow laws were relatively new introductions to the South that occurred towards the turn of the century rather thanRead MoreEssay A Review of The Strange Career of Jim Crow1072 Words  | 5 PagesA Review of The Strange Career of Jim Crow C. Vann Woodward’s most famous work, The Strange Career of Jim Crow, was written in 1955. It chronicles the birth, formation, and end of Jim Crow laws in the Southern states. Often, the Jim Crow laws are portrayed as having been instituted directly after the Civil War’s end, and having been solely a Southern brainchild. However, as Woodward, a native of Arkansas points out, the segregationist Jim Crow laws and policies were not fully a part ofRead MoreAnalysis of the Strange Career of Jim Crow940 Words  | 4 Pagesthat C. V. Woodward’s novel â€Å"The Strange Career of Jim Crow†was simply a book about racism. Other critics also attack his style of writing in this very popular novel. However, I believe that Woodward’s novel is not just a book about racism. It is a book about history. I believe it is a book about race relations, not racism. Woodward shatters the stereotypical view of segregation through chronicling the history of Americ a from reconstruction through the late 1960’s. The Strange Career of JimRead MoreEssay on Book Review of The Strange Career of Jim Crow2082 Words  | 9 PagesBook Review of The Strange Career of Jim Crow Prior to the 1950s, very little research had been done on the history and nature of the United States’ policies toward and relationships with African Americans, particularly in the South. To most historians, white domination and unequal treatment of Negroes were assumed to be constants of the political and social landscapes since the nation’s conception. Prominent Southern historian C. Vann Woodward, however, permanently changed history’s naà ¯veRead MoreThe Strange Career Of Jim Crow Essay1173 Words  | 5 PagesComer Vann Woodward studied wrote about the American South and race relations. He was born in 1908 in eastern, rural Arkansas. When he first enrolled into higher education he went to Henderson-Brown College. However, he transferred to Emory University and graduated. After Woodward graduated, he was an English professor at Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Teach). In 1931, he continued his education with graduate school at Columbian a University. There he received a Master of Arts. In 1947,Read MoreAmerican South And Race Relations Essay1186 Words  | 5 PagesComer Vann Woodward studied the American South and race relations in the United States. He was born in 1908 in eastern, rural Arkansas. When he first enrolled into higher education he went to Henderson-Brown College. However, he transferred to Emory University and graduated. After Woodward graduated, he became an English professor at Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Teach). In 1931, he continued his education with graduate school at Columbiana University. There he received a Master of ArtsRead MoreThe Strange Career of Jim Crow by C. Vann Woodward1063 Words  | 5 PagesC. Vann Woodward wrote The Strange Career of Jim Crow for a purpose. His purpose was to enlighten people about the history of the Jim Crow laws in the South. Martin Luther King Jr. called Woodward’s book, â€Å"the historical Bible of the civil rights movemen t.†(221) Martin Luther King Jr.’s quote revealed the true importance of Woodward’s book. Woodard’s book significance was based on it revealing the strange, forgotten facets of the Jim Crow laws. Assumptions about the Jim Crow’s career have existedRead MoreThe Strange Career Of Jim Crow Essay1417 Words  | 6 PagesComer Vann Woodward was an American historian who concentration emphasized on the American south and race relations in the united states. He was born in 1908 in eastern, rural Arkansas. He attended Henderson-Brown College, in Arkadelphia, Arkansas for two years. He then transferred to Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia in which his uncle was dean of students and a sociology professor. After Woodward graduated from Emory university, he became an English professor at Georgia Institute of TechnologyRead MoreHistorical Methodology2034 Words  | 9 PagesHistorical Methodology The Strange Career of Jim Crow, by C. Van Woodward, traces the history of race relations in the United States from the mid and late nineteenth century through the twentieth century. In doing so Woodward brings to light significant aspects of Reconstruction that remain unknown to many today. He argues that the races were not as separate many people believe until the Jim Crow laws. To set up such an argument, Woodward first outlines the relationship between Southern and
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Hurricane Pam Free Essays
Hurricane Pam Every community is faced with natural and man-made hazards that can best be addressed ahead of time by planners working closely with emergency management personnel to mitigate the threat and prepare for post-disaster recovery. Hurricane Pam was a simulated storm in New Orleans used to evaluate potential losses, improve response plans, and provide better coordination between agencies proactively. Hurricane Pam brought sustained winds of 120 mph, up to 20 inches of rain in parts of southeast Louisiana and storm surge that topped levees in the New Orleans area. We will write a custom essay sample on Hurricane Pam or any similar topic only for you Order Now This area included 13 parishes in southeast Louisiana-Ascension, Assumption, Jefferson, Lafourche, Orleans, Plaquemines, St. Bernard, St. Charles, St. James, St. John, St. Tammany Tangipahoa, and Terrebonne. The storm caused more than one million residents to evacuate and destroyed 500,000-600,000 buildings. A rough average of 100,000 people did not evacuate before the storm hit due to poverty, illness, or lack of transportation. Of the 100,000 that remained in the city, an estimated 25,000 to 100,000 would die. SLOSH (sea, lake, and overland surges from hurricanes) is used to identify the worst-case scenario of this storm by identifying the highest potential surges from this storm. SLOSH revealed that the levees would fail causing the city to flood and kill thousands due to drowning. These generalized assumptions caused emergency managers put their minds and resources into action to devise disaster response for areas such as search and rescue, medical care, sheltering, temporary housing, school restoration, and debris management. The debris team estimates that Hurricane Pam would result in 30 million cubic yards of debris and 237,000 cubic yards of hazardous waste. Landfills have been identified that have available storage space and disposal sites for hazardous waste have been located. In the event that Hurricane Pam resulted in more debris and hazardous waste transportation should also be identified and factored into the plan in case the initial plan is not adequate. Shelter is a main issue for the residents of New Orleans because of the impact of Hurricane Pam. The emergency management teams identified that about 1,000 shelters would be needed to house the residents displaced by the storm. About 784 shelters were secured, but 216 were still needed. Transportation and partnerships with other states should have been obtained to help secure the remaining shelters. Funding should have also been secured to help those relocate and possibly reside with family members in other states. The displaced residents would need to reside in temporary living arrangements for up to at least 100 days. Simulations would need to be done to identify the costs for housing the maximum amount of individuals in each shelter for 100 days. The emergency management team would need to meet with local, state, and federal government officials to identify ways to generate funding for these costs. For example, a hurricane tax or surcharge to help generate resources in the event of a disaster or partnering with companies like Walmart or Target and developing a partnership for supplies. Search and rescue efforts are the key component to saving the lives of the individuals that may be Search and Rescue †¢ The search and rescue group developed a transportation plan for getting stranded residents out of harm’s way. †¢ Planners identified lead and support agencies for search and rescue and established a command structure that will include four areas with up to 800 searchers. Medical †¢ The medical care group reviewed and enhanced existing plans. The group determined how to implement existing immunization plans rapidly for tetanus, influenza and other diseases likely to be present after a major hurricane. The group determined how to re-supply hospitals around the state that would face heavy patient loads. †¢ The medical action plan includes patient movement details and identifies probable locations, such as state university campuses, where individuals would receive care and then be transported to hospitals, special needs shelters or regular shelters as necessary. Schools †¢ The school group determined that 13,000-15,000 teachers and adm inistrators would be needed to support affected schools. The group acknowledged the role of local school boards and developed strategies for use by local school officials. Staffing strategies include the use of displaced teachers, retired teachers, emergency certified teachers and others eligible for emergency certification. Displaced paraprofessionals would also be recruited to fill essential school positions. †¢ The group discussed facility options for increasing student population at undamaged schools and prioritizing repairs to buildings with less damage to assist in normalizing operations The school plan also calls for placement or development of temporary schools near temporary housing communities built for hurricane victims. How to cite Hurricane Pam, Essay examples
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Problem of Normalized Similarity
Question: Discuss about the Problem of Normalized Similarity. Answer: Introduction Auto-Parts Warehouse is an organization that has its business in the supplying of auto parts to its customers. The business is spread across the mid-western metro regions. The primary activity that the organization performs is associated with the delivery of the auto parts that are present in the stock or the ones that can be delivered in a timeframe of few hours. The current system that is followed in Auto-Parts Warehouse for stock and inventory management is not technically advanced. There are various advancements that are required to be done in the field to ascertain that these drawbacks are avoided and the organization has an advanced system in place. The organization is looking to expand and it would therefore be required to have a system that can handle new requirements with ease and perfection. The purpose of the report is to cover the design details of the stock and inventory management system for Auto-Parts Warehouse with the help of the design diagram as Entity-Relationship (ER) diagram and with the concept of normalization as well. Normalization Database Normalization is a set of processes that are used and applied for the organization of data in the database. It is a set of methods and an approach that is used for the decomposition of the tables in the database to remove the redundancy in the data and to also remove the characteristics that are not desired such as various anomalies in terms of insertion of data, update of the data and deletion of the data from the database (Wang, Du and Lehmann, 2010). There are multiple steps that are involved in the process of normalization in order to achieve the aim and objective of the same. The primary objective of normalization is to make sure that the database is free from any of the duplicate data and the dependencies that exist in the database are logical in nature (Attig, 2015). The purpose in this particular scenario is to convert the relation in its third normal form that is 3NF. There are a lot many steps that will be involved in the process. It would be essential to perform each of these steps to convert the relation in its third normal form. 1NF The first normal form is abbreviated as 1NF and for a relation to be in its 1NF, it is essential that the two conditions are met viz. the relations must comprise of the atomic values and there shall also be no repetition of the groups. The term atomic value implies to the value that cannot be divided further. The term repeating groups refers to more than one combination of row and column that has an identical set of values (Chavan, 2012). 2NF The second normal form is abbreviated as 2NF and for a relation to be in its 2NF, it is essential that the two conditions are met; viz. the relation must be present in its first normal form and there shall be no partial dependencies present. The absence of partial dependency in a relation refers to the condition in which all the non-key attributes that are present in the relation must be completely dependent upon the primary key of the same (Deepa, 2014). 3NF - The third normal form is abbreviated as 3NF and for a relation to be in its 3NF, it is essential that the two conditions are met; viz. the relation must be present in its second normal form and there shall be no transitive dependencies present. The absence of transitive dependency in a relation refers to the condition in which if a relation A is completely dependent on a second relation B which is further dependent on a third relation C then C shall not be transitively dependent upon A (Duggal, 2014). Use of Codes The main objective behind the development and usage of code is to come up with maximum cost savings in the domains such as data storage and database space which are the ones that are related with the design of the database. Efficient designing of the database provides a surety that the time period that is spent on the tasks such as storage of data, exchange of data or entry of data comes down by a good percentage. There are also a lot many errors that have been observed at the time of data entry which can also be avoided with the help of the codes. The case of Auto-Parts Warehouse, it is included in the database design that the system will automatically generate an invoice number and this invoice number will be used in trackingRequest table. Invoice and billing are the activities that must be handled with perfection. The step by step and systematic generation of invoices would assure that the process runs effectively and in an organized manner. Also, it would be necessary to ascertai n that the system accepts the data only through data entry operations. These invoices that would be generated will also be applicable in the unique tracking request number. The codes that are available also include alphabetic codes which are put in the code field of the product table. These are further utilized with the codes that are used for maintaining of the sequence. References Attig, A. (2015). The Problem of Normalization and a Normalized Similarity Measure by Online Data. [online] Available at: https://www.ibai-publishing.org/journal/issue_cbr/2011_october/cbr_4_1_3-17.pdf [Accessed 9 Jan. 2017]. Chavan, S. (2012). Study of Various Normal forms and Functional Dependency. [online] Available at: https://www.ijetae.com/files/Volume2Issue7/IJETAE_0712_68.pdf [Accessed 9 Jan. 2017]. Deepa, (2014). An Approach for Normalizing Fuzzy Relational Databases Based on Join Dependency. [online] Available at: https://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1403/1403.2958.pdf [Accessed 9 Jan. 2017]. Duggal, K. (2014). Gamified Approach to Database Normalization. [online] Available at: https://research.ijcaonline.org/volume93/number4/pxc3895505.pdf [Accessed 9 Jan. 2017]. Wang, T., Du, H. and Lehmann, C. (2010). Accounting For The Benefits Of Database Normalization. [online] Cluteinstitute.com. Available at: https://www.cluteinstitute.com/ojs/index.php/AJBE/article/view/371/360 [Accessed 9 Jan. 2017].
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